2014 – 2015 was the fourth season for The Firehouse Space which has been exciting and continually evolving. I believe there has  been a growing emphasis on challenging contemporary classical performance  with living composers as well as experimental free jazz, electronics and video.  TFHS continues to dedicate itself  toward being a community service,  giving the performers and composers a chance to experiment in whatever direction not feeling bound by any particular commercial constraints. The tickets are  remain at a low cost to the audience and the concert production costs remain affordable as well. We have been able to offer the space for rehearsals, recordings, student recitals, art  shows, fund raisers and sadly also a few memorials this year. We again  had  many ongoing monthly series.  A New Music Series curated by Iktus Percussion brought performances by Ensemble Pamplemousse, Wet Ink, The Warp Trio, andPlay, The RighteousGIRLS, Transient Canvas, Taka Kigawa, The Morton Feldman  Players, Curiosity Cabinet Sean Staser, Josh Perry, with a whole host of composers including  Kate Moore, Fay Wang, Whitney George,  Boulez, Adam Roberts, Justin Barish, Daniel T. Lewis, Tina Tallon, David Bird, Ashkan Behdazi, Gina Izzo, Jonathan Taylor, Erika Dohi, Andy Akiho, George Crumb, Georges Aperghis, Russell Podgorsek, Natasha Diels, Sam Pluta.  TAK Ensemble brought performers such as performances by Loadbang, Victor  Lowrie, Greg Chudzik, Brian Jacobs and Alice  Teyssier playing music of David Bird, Cole Hager, Chris Otto, Otto 1Taylor Brook.TAK 1   The kids from Face The Music FTM 1presented a wide variety of contemporary music  in combination with the School for Special Music.  Daniel Blake  residency brought together a range of collaborations that represent the diversity of experiences and musical styles of both written and improvisational music with names like  Joshua Sinton, Chris Pitsiokos, Mary Halverson, Sam Pluta, Diego Obregón, Alejandro Flórez, Marcelo Toledo ,marcelo toledo 1 Dmitry Ishenko, Leo Genovese, Timucin Sahin.  Briggan Krauss also brought on excellent free improvisers such as Hans Tammen, Dafna Naphtali, Tatsuya Nakatani, Kato Hideki,  Satoshi Takeishi, Kenny Wollesen,  Nate Wooley, Branden Seabrook, Jim Black and more.   There were also several outstanding and completely unique video presentations by  Josh Ott ott 1who designs his own software and has a stunning presentation of live video images. He performed with Robert Dick and Andrew Drury in a  very special evening. Also  a woman who is new to NYC, Amy-Claire Huestis.  huestis 1Huestis’ works with beautiful and mysterious hand-operated magic lanterns, painted glass, obscure jewels, and plasma light.  Raha Raissnia melds paintings, photographs and drawing into film and Mogon O’Haire  performs live improvisatory drawings. Teerapat Parnmongkol Shafer 1also created his own original video electronics with Dennis Shafer sax. There are many more artists represented here in a single season. We actually tried to host a few less concerts this past year but it seems that there were still  about  130 total.Emily D 1

TFHS also curated  some special events one being the opportunity for composers to continue developing/expanding a piece that had been created before called “Concerts for Evolving Projects” As  the main curator I chose 3 composers who i admired and who had already presented something interesting that seemed to warrant  further development. Daniel Belquer  and his group presented  Jacob’s Ladder, Belquer 1Pat Spadine and  The Ashcan Orchestra created newly constructed instruments and Jonah Rosenberg continued working on his chamber opera Ode to Jackeen.rosenberg 1    We continued with weekly Soundpaintiong workshops managing to lure  many kids from the Face The Music group since they were incorporating it in their rehearsals conducted by  Vasudevan Panicker. This was a most exciting moment seeing so many kids really embracing soundpainting.  We also culminated the workshops with The Soundpainting Festival WTwith  the creator and developer of the language, Walter Thompson,  leading his orchestra along with other  other prominent soundpainters such as Leese Walker and Evan Mazunik.   In January, we presented a very excited event in collaboration with TENTH INTERVENTION’S avant-duo, Trystero, in which they performed all seven episode’s of Robert Ashley’s made for television opera, Perfect Lives. This event, spanning seven hours, featured special guest performers including jam band AmmoCake, guitarist Hannis Brown, dancer Diane Skerbec, saxophonists Michael Eaton and Lathan Hardy, violinist Hajnal Pivnick, and pianist Brad Whiteley. Guests came and left as they saw fit and were able to enjoy Midwest-style picnic refreshments.  The final event of the season was a  3 concert festival for  2 pianos.There were  17 outstanding pianists and 2 percussionists presenting a combination of classic 20th century literature  such as Stravinsky, Adams, Bartok, Berio, Reich, Glass and a rare interpretation of Felman’s Ixion along side new 21stcentury works from composers George, Dicke, Knable, Sprecher and Andres. The culmination of the final concert on June 21 was a telematic performance of the stunning Icelandic hymn Kolbeinn Turnason and Torkell Sigurbjörnsson’s “Heyr Himna Smiour” performed by bowed vibrophones in one area telematically connected to 4 vocalists and 12 people bowing the pianos in another area. Bowing for blog 1This was also televised outside  for people on the street coinciding with make Music Day. I specifically allocated some of the money we received from the Cary New Music Performance Fund for this performance, so that we were able to help pay for a high level technician Michale Ricca and some extra equipment. For this we are very grateful. We do not take this donation for granted, and we are truly appreciative for your support.