Mike Lowenstern presents NYC electronica:
Everyone who knows me knows that I have a particular fondness for clarinet and electronics. But I go about it pretty much one way. Here I am excited to present three other clarinetists who, each in their own way, blend those two mediums — but at their foundation have an amazing amount of craft with both.
Alexei G will present two recent works that combine his absolutely amazing technical skill on the clarinet (seriously, this guy has 14 fingers) with symphonic-like soundscapes and dub-techno textures. www.alexeygproject.com
Carlos Cordiero is one of those fearless musicians that will throw himself into technology, knowing that what comes out on the other side is going to be interesting and ground-breaking. He’s also a human sponge, soaking up sounds, images, people and grooves, and this set features his work “Crossing,” a mix-up of old and new technology; recordings made on top of recordings on an old cassette recorder. I cannot wait to hear this.
Eileen Mack, perhaps best known for her work with her amplified ensembles Newspeak and Victoire, is coming to Firehouse to perform a set of works by venerable New York composers David T. Little’s hauntingDescano (after omega), Wil Smith’s atmospheric homage to the eponymous filmmaker Brakhage, Nico Muhly’s organically groovy It Goes Without Saying; and, um, my own funky ode to oral fixation, Milk Teeth.