Mike Lowenstern presents NYC electronica:
Levy Lorenzo (Various Toys/Electronics)
Levy Lorenzo, a young electronics engineer and percussionist, brings a uniquely human and physical (dare I say “analog?”) angle to what has traditionally been a more sterile, digital medium. Levy designs and builds electronics that engage both the performer and audience in the live act of creating electronic music. Levy calls these tools “idiomatic, rather than idiosyncratic,” as he creates a new musical language that evolves the definition of the word “instrument.” Yes, Levy uses teacups as electronic instruments — see what else he’s bringing to Firehouse in this unique set. www.levylorenzo.com
Adam Cuthbert (Trumpet/Electronics)
The first time I met Adam, it was in a small room in an equally small town in Michigan. But what came out of the speakers at me was anything but small. Equipped with a variety of DJ tools and his Trumpet, Adam Cuthbért explores different ways of performing music with acoustic instruments in digitized contexts. What does that mean? He puts together combinations of “things-that-don’t-and-probably-shouldn’t-go-together” — and he manages to make it all work. His Firehouse set blends found sound, composed music, and live processing in a variety of contexts, blending such styles as ambient electronic, lyric bel canto, and pop/hip-hop.
Adam Cuthbert | composer, performer, producer
Michael Lowenstern curates Thursdays in October