“One of the most remarkable spaces I've seen in New York City. ”
Guest, Nov 2011

Chrome Candles Viewing Hour

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January 24, 2014 7:00 pm


Chrome Candles Viewing Hour is a beta-space where artists working in experimental audiovisual performance can exhibit work. The purpose of the beta space is to provide a discerning but open context to perform works in progress, discuss work, and receive valuable feedback.

The emphasis for this salon is on real-time experimental video and sound performance, live cinema, and interactive instrument design. We are interested in works centered around performers utilizing and building interfaces to generate and manipulate media in real-time. The format will include performances and artist talks about process and performance techniques.

We hope to stimulate conversation about how we can push the boundaries of our work into new directions, in a context that is conducive to the presentation of audiovisual and new media performance.

This Chrome Candles Viewing Hour will Feature:

Michael Sperone - Gongs, cymbals, pitch detectors, synthesizers, max/MSP… Mike Sperone will be performing a set including all of these things… and more.

Frank Spigner

Sam Baumel + Jason Sherman - The artist applies pressure to the arrow buttons on his keyboard live-splicing archive casting call footage. Audition juxtapositions weave contrived recollections of a message in a bottle found on the shores of Scotland. Watch here.

99 Hooker - ”Mad About You, Mad Plaid and Bible Launcher” : Using two synced tapes (yes tapes), Korg Kaoss pad (yes that’s how they spelled it), an old v4, 99 will perform three pieces featuring the music of Belinda Carlise, Bible Launcher and kumungo player Jin Hi Kim and the visuals of rev.99, the machines at Experimental TV Center and the classic Hookers Caught on Tape.

Eric Barry Drasin – “The Secret Soup” : Realtime audiovisual performance system for two oscillators and generative looping visuals.

**to participate in future salons please contact Eric via email: eric.drasin@gmail.com

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