“One of the most remarkable spaces I've seen in New York City. ”
Guest, Nov 2011

Calendar of Events

December 8, 2016 8:00 pm

December 8, 2016


8:00 PM Flash- a new work by Sandra Sprecher
Satoshi Takeishi: Percussion, Briggan Krauss: Guitar, Sandra Sprecher: Composition, Piano, Electronics, Video
The prerecorded images and sounds harken back to the past as whispers, secrets, glances, memories, flashbacks. The live music keeps us in the present.
Passsive, impatient, furious, helpless, implacable, resistant, horrified, birds, beauty, frenzy, strength, noise, serenity, viciousness, searching, being, despondent, capitulation, content


December 8, 2016 9:00 pm


9:00 PM Ken Butler: Guitars and other things,  Adrian Romero: Guitar
and Satoshi Takeishi: Percussion

Adrian Romero is a classical guitarist, rock musician, composer, and electronic cut-up artist and audio masher (the latter under the Radiomen Roar moniker). He is also a songwriter and has composed soundtracks for films for Sundance/IFC. Born in Santa Fe, New Mexico, he is a devotee of his hometown’s nylon string traditions of classical, mariachi, and flamenco guitar. Romero is equally regarded for his electric guitar and bass playing, and for yelling into a mic.

During his career he has moved around like an army brat, ricocheting between New Mexico and places as disparate as Pierre, South Dakota, La Paz, Bolivia, Denver, Colorado. He currently resides in New York City.

Romero was recently mentioned in Guitar Player Magazine for his forays into fretless classical and fretless electric guitar. He was also seen out playing the Bicycle Wheel with instrument inventor Ken Butler, and the Samchillian Tip Tip Tip Cheeepeeeee, both on record and with the instrument’s inventor Leon Gruenbaum’s band Genes and Machines.

Ken Butler

Ken Butler is an artist and musician whose Hybrid musical instruments, performances and other works explore the interaction and transformation of common and uncommon objects, altered images, and sounds as function and form collide in the intersection of art and music.

He is internationally recognized as an innovator of experimental musical instruments created from diverse materials including tools, sports equipment, and household objects. The idea of bricolage, essentially using whatever is “at hand”, is at the center of his art, encompassing a wide range of practice that combines assemblage art, live music, instrument design, performance art, theater, sculpture, installation, photography, film/video, graphic design, drawing, and collage.


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