8pm- the Giuseppi Logan Quartet
The ever tenacious brother G returns to lead his quartet with Matt Lavelle on Flugelhorn and Alto Clarinet,Francois Grillot on Bass,and David Miller on drums.Giuseppi Logan shocked the Jazz world a few years ago by proving that he still exists.After becoming somewhat of a legend and a mystery based on his ESP record in the 60′s,Giuseppi resurfaced in NYC and made a comeback record for Tompkins Square records.Giuseppi continues to have his own very personal way of writing and playing and has a story to tell unlike any other.Jazz as real as it gets. . . . .
The New York Times story on GL from Easter 2012:
9:30- The NY Soundpainting Orchestra & Gil Selinger
David Grunberg, Violin, Sebastian Noelle, Brian Abbot, Lily Maase, Guitars, Alan Brady, Clarinet
Rob Henke, Trumpet, Bodhan Hilash, Bass Clarinet , Evan Mazunik, Piano & accordian, Dennis Shafer, Saxophone, Mark Lindberg, Diana Norma Actors
Gil Selinger, Soundpainter
Soundpainting is the composing-conducting sign language invented by Walter Thompson with more than 800 gestures which can be used to communicate with musicians, actors, dancers and visual artists to create a spontaneous “live” composition.
Matt Lavelle curates